Hi, This last week, ive been worried on how to backup my data on my hard drive. Please can someone give me really cheap yet effective ways into backing my data up. Also, some tips on how to keep my next hard disk drive working properly and prolonging its life. Thanx
there should be a program that allows you to easily sync/back up all of your stuff built into windows. to answer your second question, be sure to take care of the dust that builds up and to defrag occasionally always helps
Mainly you need to worry about backing up your system C: partition. The best way to do it is with imaging software which will do a complete backup of your system partition and save it on another hard drive. If your hard drive fails, all you need to do is load that saved image onto a new hard drive and your computer will be as good as new, no need to load drivers or reinstall all your programs again,reactivate windows etc. I recommend true image because that is what I have use, but there is other software available. To your second question to extend the life of your hard drive, buy one of those small fans that get screwed on the bottom of the hard drive. All my hard drives have them (they cost about $10.00 USD), heat is the worst enemy to a hard drive. At worst get a case fan and make sure it is blowing directly on the hard drive. You want to keep the temperature of your hard drive under 50 celcius at all times. Use the free program below to check the temperature of your hard drive. Those small hard drive fans do work in lowering the temperature. http://www.majorgeeks.com/download4181.html http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=29880