Alright so i bought this Hard Drive off eBay, obviously and Xbox 360 one. and i tried it and it did not work. Since i am a very impatient person i took the covers off and got down to the actual hard drive. This one is a Hitachi if that will help. So then i plugged it into my computer and started to mess around and without knowing that this would worsen my situation formatted it into FAT32. So now the Hard Drive is in FAT32 and i don't know how to put it back to FATX and then lock it so the XBOX will read it. If anyone can help please let me know.
Okay a couple of questions, ...well several actually: 1) What HDD and it isn't obvious, because there isn't a link. 2) Do you have a working xbox? 3) Xbox or Xbox 360? 4) Have you read any of Chunkhead's FAQs? 5) What is your ultimate goal?
Ok the HDD is the 20GB Hitachi HDD for XBOX 360. I have an XBOX 360 and it is working. My goal is to format the hdd back into FATX and have it be able to function like it should, or like an hard drive you would buy at a store for xbox 360.