I am going to buy an Xbox and add a larger hard drive, because the standard 8 gig is insufficient for my needs. I read somewhere that there is a maximum capacity that the xbox will allow or recognise(128 gig i think). Is this true? I have seen XBOX mod sellers that were installing 250 gig ones! I will most likely get the biggest capacity possible as storage is imperative. What about overheating? I heard something that the 7200 speed HDD are infamous for overheating inside the case and burning plasic!not good!
Normally, the Xbox only supports up to 137 gigabytes as I recall, but that can be fixed using certain Xbox applications that increase the storage limit. A 250 gig is certainly possible, as it seems to be quite common for 300+ gig hard drives to be put in Xboxs. As for overheating, that's probably just brand specific. Whenever you're ready to purchase one, read the reviews and see if anyone mentions heat issues. A good place to check would be Newegg, since so many people write reviews for the more popular products.