I recently installed a secound hard drive in my computer. They are both maxtor 60gb. Every thing worked fine for a day or two. Then the new hard drive began clicking loudly and vibrating. If anyone can tell me what it might be or how to fix it i would greatlyapreciate it. (the drive has been removed for now)
Clicking Loudly and lots of Vibration usually means that your hard drive is dieing. So your best to get your data off while you can and say good bye to it. CJC
Not recommended, but sometimes a light tap on the top of the HD may resolve it but there are obvious risks. Other than that, do as CJC suggested, retrieve all the info, then tap it, reformat and see how you go on..............
It was still under warranty, i contacted the company i purchased it from and they are sending me a new one. Thanks for you help.
They told me to just throw this one out and not even bother sending it back. I'm guesing they know what it is and it isn't good.
When hard drives go, they go. It is alot cheaper to replace it then to fix it, so most of the time, yea they say chuck it out. Find a nice slab of cement and chuck it at it CJC