How can I swap the original XBox Hard Drive for a new XBox configured 160GB Hard Drive? The XBox has been softmodded using the Splinter Cell Save Exploit. I have already run XBoxhdm to get the 160GB Hard Drive ready for the XBox, but when I install it into the modded XBox, I get error 9. So what have I done wrong and is there a way to fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I'm having a lot of trouble finding my EEProm file on my XBox. Can anyone help me figure that out? Like I stated before, I formatted a 160GB Hard Drive and got it to work in my brother's XBox. But it won't work in my XBox. Someone told me that it may be because he used his EEProm or something like that. I'm not sure if that is the case or not. Is it possible for me to totally start over with this 160GB Hard Drive or have I totally screwed it up now? And if I can start over, will xboxhdm work? And where in the crap do I find this EEProm file on my XBox? PLEASE HELP!!!
I finally found my EEProm.bin file and I backed it up. I have FTPed EVERYTHING in both the C and E folders of my XBox. I have now put them in the proper locations in the linux folders and have placed the EEProm.bin file in the EEProm folder. I am about to create an iso file and burn it to a disk. After that I will see if I can redo what I previously did on my 160GB Hard Drive. I just hope that I haven't totally screwed it up. If not, then I should be able to totally reformat this hard drive and hopefully get it to work this time. Say a prayer for me and wish me luck. I'll let you know how everything goes in an hour or so.
It works! I somehow fixed it on my own and now my Soft Modded XBox has a 160GB Hard Drive in it. Now I just have to figure out how to put stuff on it.
hey everybody and dont forget about mothers day. well long story short i need ever bit of help i can get i made a noober mistake i think im shit out of luck becuase i deleted the unleashed dash on accident and when i try to boot the xbox i cant get my unleashed dash to come up cuz it goes to a black screen and nothing happens but the light is orange and if i put a game in it works and i can go on live silly lil me decided when i first modded that i would mod now and back up everthing later well i didnt get a later so for anybody who says there gonna back it up later dont b a dumbass like me only u can prevent forest fires so lets take a bite out of crime and the power is yours sry bout dat yea but i had everything on my box xbox media center 360 dash a couple of fliks nes snes gba 64 ps sega sega dream web browser phoenix avaluanch i had more stuff but i lost track but plz if u can help me get all that back i would highly appreciate i might even gve u a clevland steamer disregard that last remark o yea and dont ask me to reinstall it through the exploit bcuz i dont have the save on my xbox and even if i did i cant get to my msdash without the modded dash thus for meaning i cant get to my memory area to put the save on and i cant ftp it cuz i dont have a router thnx u guys for reading this post and remember any help is excepted and u will be reward very highly
just burn the dashboard to a dvd and make it an xiso. it will run and you can ftp and put the dash back on your hdd. or you can just run it from the dvd. whichever
yeah well i didn't read about you not having a router so yeah . you have to be able to ftp or just run it from the dvd. sorry
yea its cool man i shouldnt have typed so damn much but thnx any ways im actually trying to get it unlocked through my pc but i dont no how i figured if i could get the driveon my pc i could put the dash on manually i remember exactly where it was
that should work. I'm not really sure how to unlock the hard drive without avalaunch. but if you figure out how to unlock the hdd, you can use config magic to lock it.