Hard drive troubles.....

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by dmiranda, Apr 13, 2005.

  1. dmiranda

    dmiranda Member

    Apr 7, 2005
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    Hi everyone,

    I wacked in my new 200GB seagate HDD, formatted it using X3 3029....selected what i think are the right options:

    LBA48 option = F up to 137gb G gets the rest
    Use saved partition table = Enabled (this could be the prob...just dont wanna reformat it agin without checking)

    However, the drive only shows up as having a total size of 186GB and F is only 120.31GB....Also, the drive cannot be locked, but i only bought this drive because, on the chart i looked at, most people said they had no trouble locking it
  2. Macdawgg

    Macdawgg Regular member

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Do yourself a "Big" favor use Slayer's 2.6.
  3. jealousjo

    jealousjo Guest

    Macdawgg is right. Slayer v2.6 has everything you need. Download it from the usual places. It has the Bios' for every system (v1.0 to v1.6b) including the M*'s and Xecuter's. It also has the dashboard and a crap load more. Why would anyone go another route is beyond me. I was clueless to this whole scene a month ago, and now I'm manipulating ini files and xbe's into the avalaunch dash.
  4. Macdawgg

    Macdawgg Regular member

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Hey Jealous out fo curiosity how many dashboards are you using? and if its more than one have you tried UnleashX and what do you think aobut it compared to Avalaunch?
  5. jealousjo

    jealousjo Guest

    Just one right now. I used to use the EvoX but now i use avalaunch from the auto installer. I made it my start up dash by changing the xbe file. I pretty darn happy with it. I haven't given MXM or UnleashX a try, but maybe in the future. When i get bored of a skin for it i just go to xbox skins.net and get a new one. Do you run UnleashX? I heard they are still straighting out a few bugs in the program.
  6. Macdawgg

    Macdawgg Regular member

    Feb 16, 2005
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    I tried it and its not bad-but I like Avalaunch much better-If you go here-http://www.teamxodus.com/modules.php?name=Forums and scroll down to forums you can read all about the different types.
  7. dmiranda

    dmiranda Member

    Apr 7, 2005
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    hi guys,

    used slayers 2.6....pretty impressive but didnt do anything that i didnt do already! Also didnt fix my hard drive problem....still cant get it to lock! (I guess its just not lockable...though the compatibility chart gave it a 75% successs rate). It also still varries in size according to which program is running! X3 bios says F:176gb, Evox and UnleashX say the right amount which is 191gb.

    By the way my fav choice of dash is UnleashX. I have tried the others but i like UnX. I like the interace, the sountrack feature, and the ease at which Items.txt can be altered....i have little pictures of each console when you scroll through (dunno how easy this is to do in the others). I haven't found any bugs in the dash either. Wouldn't mind hearing what Avalaunch can do that Unx can't....? ...i could be persuaded to change...

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