can i still play on xbox live if i upgraded my xbox and have to have my mod chip running? Cause its not workin for me. Can I use DHCP or do I have to use a static IP adress?
thats retarded because i have to have my modchip on to enable my new HD. If I dont have it turned on it brings me to an error screen. Tis really sucks. Are yoiu sure??????????
Well first of all when your chip is off it shouldnt go to an error screen something is definately messed up there......
well since ive gotten an upgraded harddrive it needs my chip to be able to work. Is there no way to go on live anymore. or can i fix this problem?
ok heres the problem, i just recently upgraded my HD. But for my HD to work i must have my chip enabled so this means i cant go on live, right? When i turn off my chip its brings me to some chinese error screen saying that i need technical support. Do you think I can just use xbox connect?
Not really. here the tutor to upgrade hdd without modchip. But you need eeprom.
lol i know exactly whats wrong you probably need to lock your harddrive the same problem happend to my friend.......
you have modchip right? then look for configmagic and dowload it. YOu can follow the link in my sig and look for downlod. You will find it there.