I have a mod-guy if you will. He worked on my xbox and upgraded my box to 500 gigs. That sucked because he slapped my most of the drive to my f drive and didn't use my g drive ( can you say outdated bioses?). I used a spare 320 drive,xbox and used the newest aid. Ran through the tutorials and that is everything I have dreamed. I set UnleashedX as my default - still learning how to even have Evox show up though. Anyways, I was getting mad and ripped out my chip that my guy installed - 2.6 Executer- did want to bother with flashing as I am having fun with the splinter cell way. I used aid and my 500 gig drive and that is up and running like a champ and was partitioned automatically. I am sort of concerned that my harddrive will go corrupted and loose random memory when the limit was reached like when it was chipped. Anyone know if that was fixed with bigger drives and what the biggest drive I can get without problems would be? Thanks
Some hard drives, it depends how you formatted the drive, the drive will start to lose random archives once you hit above the 460GB. I have topped mine almost near the 480GB mark and I haven't noticed and data loss. It depends on the drive manufacturer and what method used. I used the newest AID and I haven't notice and irregularities. The only way to notice is to copy a game onto the drive and go past the supposed GB mark. Play the game and continue playing it. If the game runs perfectly, most likely you formatted the drive correctly. If not, now you know where is the cut point and you will be able to avoid future data corruption.
Well, I will do some testing and see how this goes. I was going to use my pc to make the harddrive but I had successfully used chimp before. I used my pc to format the drive so I could build it but chimp sounded so much nicer. I used chimp and when that process was complete I plugged in the drive and used aid to format and that potential headache was completed with ease. I think I will just top out my f and g drives with music and video and see what happens. If worse comes to worse I can format rebuild with chimp if it goes to for for recovery. I am useing western digital. They are the only drives I buy as I have lost a few seagates in the past in pc's. Thanks
So I have been doing so testing and my hard drive topped out with my g drive full and my f drive having roughly 56 gigs left. I was okay around 65 gig. Everything is pretty much toast that was on f and g drives. I will format now using xbox partitioner with 32 cluster for g drive.
What are the odds? It has been a hell the past few weeks. I lost the 500 gig hardrive on my xbox. Computer went corrupt and I lost the c and e drive for the xbox. At least I have other xboxes so I have parts now. Learned a new lesson and will be burning my backups now. I will report my testing as soon as I get back up and running with a new one.
You're saying that the 500GB in your xbox is shot? How did that happen? Were you able to backup the eeprom? If you did, you can start fresh with another drive using xboxhdm. You should have used XBpartitioner to format the F:/ into 32K clusters, immediately after you modded without creating any additional files in the drive. I joined F and G and made one huge partition and formatted it using 32K. It's a great idea to create several copies of your eeprom. Saving it onto a disc, flash drive, online storage, memory stick just in case. You can live with losing all of your data, but you can't without the eeprom. You can find the retail MS dash files here. http://rapidshare.com/files/14478719/ms-dash-mik3h.rar
I did not actually lose my 500 gig hard drive, just the information on all of the partitions on it. Sense my old mod person keeps the original hard drives - which is so stupid just for this reason. Sense I had to re-install my pc I don't have the hd keys to go back - so that xbox is shot. The 500 gigs is in a new system, I haven't had time to do more testing as of yet. Backed up this xbox hd keys and eeprom 5 times so far. Ha ha