harddrive format help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Lost666, Feb 24, 2005.

  1. Lost666

    Lost666 Guest

    ok friend was messing with my xbox softmoded it and crap had it all working fine then he did sumething i dont know
    think he formated it so now error 13 if thar is no disk in the drive but i can load game cds ok what can i do to fix this i have a xhox stock hd i can use but its not from this box can and will it help
  2. Degallle

    Degallle Regular member

    Oct 21, 2004
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    He formated the C: drive so if he was smart he backedup his C: drive if not he will have to settle for a modded state until (or if he already has it then he won't have to wait) he gets slayers, because that is the only installing (that I know of) that has a xbox dash that he could replace. So what he would have to do is redo his C: drive on the hdd not very hard but hey it's all up to him on how hard he makes it lol.

  3. elusiv1

    elusiv1 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I would upgrade my stock HD and use the auto-insaller to reformat. I would Auto Installer Deluxe(AID) which is way better than the outdated Slayers 2.6. If you don't want to do any of that, Hopefully he backed up his C: drive like Degalle just said.
  4. elusiv1

    elusiv1 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Sorry, I misread your post!! You have a large HD and your getting Error 13( Launch Dashboard Fail due to missing/or bad key) I would definately use an auto-installer like AID to reformat. Trust me on this one..when I installed my Xenium I was getting this error because I flashed my chip with the OEM hd in(in case of bad flash and to avoid error codes) via http; Therefore, when I installed my larger hd and launched the x2 bios, obviously, I got error 13 because the hd was un-formatted!! I simply use AID to format the hd and installed all dasboards(Microsoft & Evox)and then the apps. You can find AID from the usaul places!!
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2005

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