Okay, here's the scenario. I made a backup copy of The Missing. It has several scenes of Indians speaking with English subtitles. My backup is missing those subtitles. I used shrink in full-disk backup mode so I am wondering what happened to the subtitles. Does anyone have a guess?
It's probably just removed the auto start for the subs. Press the subs button on the remote and see if they appear
Hey Malum, that didn't work. I've been on vacation and just tried it. This is puzzling considering I did a full disk copy and did not change anything. On my copy, I can choose to select either English or French subtitles but neither will show in the movie. Any more suggestions?
That's kinda weird since the subtitles of onother language is being spoken by onother person. it should be imbeded on the disc. does it only do it when you dubb the movie?
Hi tinione You may want to check in Shrinks preferences under stream selections for a box to disable subtitles. Shrink will default to no subtitles. I hope this helps
Hi Geestar20, it is really bizarre considering I made a backup copy of the Godfather Trilogy and those subtitles copied without a problem. So when Al Pacino or whoever spoke Italian, the English translation appeared on the bottom of the screen without a problem. Yet with The Missing, I got nada. Chthomson, I noticed the box in Shrink that you are referring to last night and it is checked. I will try again maybe it is affecting this movie. Will let you know.
yeah.. that is pretty weird, like if somebody is speaking Indian or Spanish or Italian then it should automatically appear. But post back and see if it worked... of what "chthomson" said.