hate to sound like such a noob, but...

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by danlock, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. danlock

    danlock Guest

    I am looking for shadowrealms password to be able to see what he is posting in alt.binaries.movies.shadowrealm
    I did not see a usenet section of this board, hey that might be a useful new addition.
    Also would love a catalog of what's in Ultra's Movie Pack series, that I see out there, better to see what to download and burn rather than download and burn to see what's in each one!
    Thanks if anybody can help me! And again, I'm sorry for sounding like a real noob here.
  2. WierdName

    WierdName Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Hello, moron. If you think that you can create a second account and just ask for someone elses password, you need to do it at a WAY stupider forums cuz im pretty sure these people arent stupid enough to give peoples passwords away 8) If these people are stupid enough to do that then im outa here.
    But if I just didnt understand what you meant and that I just flamed off for no reason, sorry.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2006
  3. danlock

    danlock Guest

    Hey, man I didn't mean anything by this! This guy posts these huge bundles of movies and stuff, but he encrypts stuff it all on the usenet. I assume he WANTS people to download them and use them, but I don't have any idea how to use them once downloaded; Have you checked out the binary?
    he uses a numbering system and everything. I just can't figure out how to use them? Sorry if I offended anyone by asking.
  4. WierdName

    WierdName Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    oh, your asking for a password to encrypted downloads and not an account? in that case, you should ask the guy himself because he may not want you to have it. im not familier with usenet and therefore i dont know what your talking about. you should still ask the guy for it though because thats what a password is for(restricting access).
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2006
  5. danlock

    danlock Guest

    yeah, well, that does make a certain amount of sense. I have just started using a newsreader on that newsgroup, but it's pretty time-consuming, what with all the binaries there, just pages and pages of movie parts. Maybe I'll post there and see if I get called a dumb-ass there too! :)
  6. WierdName

    WierdName Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    just for the record, I didnt call you that. Im just saying that you should ask the person directly for their password because they may not want you to have it.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2006

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