Hauppauge wintv pvr usb 2

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by Appa, May 14, 2006.

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  1. Appa

    Appa Regular member

    Jun 5, 2005
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    Hi I am in Western Canada and have been using the above Hauppauge unit to convert my library of old videos to dvd and have been really happy with my results.
    I purchased the software Movie Factory 4 an update from the version MF 3 that came with the unit and worth the investment.

    My question is this, I have 2 neighbours that went down to both the Future Shop and Staples to purchase the unit and there were none in stock and so they spoke to the computer peripheral manager and he checked his orders for them over the next few months and none were listed.

    So I phoned Hauppauge in New York which is not a Toll free number, however I find the wait not long and I also find the tech support great and asked if the unit was being updated and they said no.
    They were surprised that these resellers up here in Canada don't have them in stock nor do they have an indication that in the future that they will.

    I just wondered if anyone might know of what is going on. My neighbours ended up ordering one through NCIX here and the same went for having to order their BenQ latest model External burner as neither Future Shop nor Staples have them on their forthcoming order list nor are they in stock.

    BenQ is preferred b/c the co. provides the exe. Book Management command so that you can burn in DVD ROM all of the time and everyones brand (in our family 12 different brands of dvd players play all backups without any issues so we are BenQ fans and it has grown to our neighbours now who have discarded their older LG's having had such frustration with family members not being able to always view their backups.
    I look forward to replies, thankyou
    Last edited: May 14, 2006
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