have a problem with a dvd, it has static in the sound how to remove the static sound

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by dvdman101, Jul 7, 2007.

  1. dvdman101

    dvdman101 Regular member

    Mar 29, 2007
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    hi ,

    i just recieved a dvd-r from a friend of a concert and it has static in the sound , you can hear the concert and the picture quality is perfect but the sound has like pops and cracks like static also . is there any program that can remove this static sound and clean up the audio . any help appericated .
  2. MichaelP1

    MichaelP1 Guest

    NO . you will have to rerip the dvd to a new disc

    are you sure the store bought dvd your backing up has correct audio? without the pops and cracks?
  3. dvdman101

    dvdman101 Regular member

    Mar 29, 2007
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    this dvd is not made from a store bought one , it is made from a video from the 1970's . the quality is pretty good , but i was trying to figure out how to clean up the audio , i don't know if this is a source problem or done this when the dvd was burned originally . thanks
  4. MichaelP1

    MichaelP1 Guest

    the audio is probably not right from the source dvd

    in that case you will not be able to clean it up

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