Ok heres my problem, got a xbox for the misses, softmodded it, all well and good.... THEN... me having a bright idea decides im gonna personalize it for her by installing a Thc dash with her name in the tabs! I erased the evox dash, and as i was FTP-ing the dash over we had a power cut, not unusual for where i live! well when the power comes back on i turns on her xbox only to see the (Contact customer support) green screen. i tried loading splinter cell, but noticed there is no longer a xbox logo on boot up. S**t, i know that is quite an important part of the boot up and was pissed when i never see it. Anyway i have a hardmodded box and decided to pop her Hdd into my box to see what i could do to save it... Nothing! I get error code 06, Hdd error. Silly me never got to the part when doing her xbox of backed up her Hdd to the pc so no eeprom, nothing was backed up. Any Help would be great as im pissed that after all the work iv done on xboxes and all the things iv tried im still getting nowhere. Come on peeps save my bacon and dont tell me it a paper weight!!!!!
if you have a hard modded xbox you should be able to run slayers or something, whenever anyone messes up there softmod buy not saving any files they always recover with hardmod, try the new slayers 2.7 or something
You could also: 1. Take your chip out of your box 2. Put it into her box, just buy a 0.1" header strip at Radio Shack 3. Reformat her HD and reinstall the Retail Dash 4. Install whatever you want with AID or Slayer's including the proper gamesave for a softmod. 5. Do the softmod with the chip disabled 6. Remove the chip and put it back into your Xbox or leave it there. You can get Duox2 GS's or XenoFX's for $10 or less, why not just hardmod. This is all assuming you are decent with soldering. If you are uncomfortable with it, don't try it, you could mess things up even worse.