I downloaded DVD shrink and loaded a DVD onto my hard drive (i have a ton of space left, so that can't be a problem). i then went into WinDVD Creator 2. Opened the file under my C: and it "Captured" the movie tiles into the "Timeline" below. I then went to "Make Movie" and it brings up the "Burning Wizard." I click on Burn - hit the arrow - and the Format and Speed areas are blank and it does not let me select anything from the drop down menus. What am i missing? or What am i doing wrong? Is it something with the DVD i am trying to copy (format) or the way i am using the DVD shrink? I've read the threads that discuss the similar problem, but i don't see anything useful. Thanks for your help!!! DJT
You need to get past the blocks run Anydvd in the background or clean it up with Ripit4me and fixitVts you also need Dvd Decrpter
dtsnik you can use anydvd if you want as rbrock pointed out or use this here is a guide with all the free stuff you need. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154