I have had my sound working,and then it screwed up on me.I fixed it,but now it stopped working on me once again.I went and tried to uninstall it then reinstall it doing the restart method and have it pick up again.It didn't work,and then I went back into my control panel and started looking at my system,hardware,device manager settings.I get a yellow exclamation mark sign right next to Advance AC97 Audio which would be my audio device right.I click on the properties of it,and get this error message from it: This device cannot start. (Code 10) Click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooter for this device. I have went through the troubleshoot,and followed the steps very clear.I am still getting no sound,but I can play video.I haven't been able to figure out why it is doing this or how to fix it,but is there a way to fix this.I really don't want to reformat my computer,since I have alot of work that I have been doing on my computer and I really don't want to lose any of it.It happened to me when I upgraded to Windows Media Player 10.I am stuck right now with no sound on my computer,and it is starting to get the best of me.Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance.
try updating your sound driver & see what happens when you uninstall media player 10. if you got xp how about system restore
Oh yeah I tried system restore also,but didn't seem to help me out either.I tried upgrading my driver for my sound card also,but still seems to not work.I have a onboard factory sound card also,it is just not recognizing in windows for some reason.I am running Windows XP with Service Pack 2.I tried uninstalling Windows Media Player 10 also,but it didn't fix it.If you have any more advice that would be helpfull I would appreciate it.
where you having this problem before service pack 2 if not try unistalling sp2 also check your bios to see if your sound card is enabled or not. i've found windows to have found things that had been disabled in the bios
Yeah it is enabled,but XP service pack 2 I haven't uninstalled yet.I guess I should get rid of it,maybe it will solve the problem.
Nope it didn't work man,I have been messing with this for a couple days now.It seems impossible for me to fix,might have to give up and reformat if everything else fails.Unless you have another idea that would help out.
Hey! Go to device manager,sound controllers, properties, and check the 'resources tab'. Are there any conflicts? If there are you'll have to sort them. Also check to see if resources have been allocated for the device.They may have to be manually configured.
I get no resources,becuase it says it isn't installed on my computer,Do'h.Thanks for the advice though.
Hey! I'm assuming you have an onboard sound controller. Check this link. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=810704 If this is no help and you say a reinstall of o/s is not an option, try killing onboard sound and add pci sound card(fairly cheap)providing you have empty pci slot. Good Luck!
there is a possiblity that a regulator(transistor 7805)might be fried which means putting in a pci sound card
YAY I fixed it,it was weird and I will never understand how this fixed it.I hooked an old harddrive to it,and it fixed it.Now everytime I turn it on I have music again.I guess it jumped the bios and picked it up.I don't know sounds weird,but hey I am happy and thanks for the help ddp and ianski7.I appreciate it alot and it makes a big difference having sound again.
no problem but check your motherboard manufacturer for updated bios as it sounds!!! as it is tempermental to your ac97