Recently I have an audio cd that I just bought, I inserted in my pc cd-rom drive to listen to while I was at home - (ex. Yin Yang Twins U.S.A) I noticed that the cd was just running and running in my drive! Finally, I took the cd out and noticed at the bottom it stated this cd is protected with cds-100 technology preventing downloading or burning.... Is there any possible software I can install or use to help get past this? Is CloneCD a good software to use? I have Nero Burning ROM could that by chance bypass this technology? Of if somebody could direct me to the appropriate thread to use to help me. I apologize to the moderators for being a novice. 1. if this thread or topic has already been started - I just couldn't find a thread to help me. 2. Since I'm new to the site and If I had violated any of the rules, I read them and if I violated one - my apologies. Thank you very much for all your help. CP712 P.S. if by chance a moderator created a cd-r for newbies forum would be great.
Yeah copy protected cd's are a bitch. This thread may help. I had a problem with Cassidy - Split Personality which was also Copy Protected. I have 2 drives on my PC. The first drive which is factory installed coudn't handle the cd at all. It kept skipping and acting weirdly and the only way to listen to it on that drive was to open up some crappy program on the cd which plays the album at 12kbps which sounds shit. My 2nd cd drive is an external freecom dvd -/+rw drive which handled the cd much better as I was able to listen to the cd without any probs and was also able to extract to MP3 using Exact Audio Copy. So it may be a case of trying it in a different disc drive or trying one of the methods in the link I provided. P.S. Is that Ying Yang Twins cd any good.
Hey, thank you so much with trying to help me - Tell me about copy protected cd's being a bytch!!! 1. Yea, they have some great songs on there, a lot of good songs with lots of artists!! I see you like Mobb Deep! lol I will try that on a different type drive - I have a external dvd burner/cd drive...I will try it on there when I get a chance.... Also, thank you very much for the link for help - I appreciate it. Thanks, cp712
No problem. Glad I could help. Sometimes the bit rate varies from disc to disc when you play it on your pc but it still doesnt sounds as good as the actual WAV file which is on the cd.
I used my external dvd-cd drive (sony) with the yin yang cd, and when I bought it it came with Nero Burning Rom SE and made an audio cd - put a cd-r in my laptop dvd-cd drive. I copied all the tracks in .cda format to the playlist then copied them on to the cd-r and It worked just fine. I just wanted to give you a quick update that it worked! Thanks for all the help! I know what to do when I see that little cds-100 sign at the bottom of a cd