Is there a way to find out what firmware to download when taken to the firmware page on the website I'm taken to for the code I have for imgburn? I was told installing the wrong firmware can ruin the DVD drive . The files I'm trying to convert with dvdflick are individual files broken up into chapters taken from a TV show .
ImgBurn tells you what type of burner you have and it tells you what firmware you have. Once you go to the firmware page, make sure that your burner is the one listed and look for the newest firmware. Download and run. Just make sure you don't download the wrong one. If you are unsure, post the information here about your burner.
The information on what burner I have is listed by imgburn at the top as OPTRIAC DVD+RW ND 3570A- 104B ( ATA). At the bottom there's something also listed as disc id cmc mag- mo1-00. I was told the firmware version is 104b so anyone know what I should download from the firmware page?
Yes, I have a dell demention E310 driver with microsoft windows xp home edition version 2002 service pack 2.When clicking on a link sent It sounds like another member is having similar problems with the optiarc 3570a that has serious flaws. He goes on to say there is no firmware from dell to solve the problem and when browsing the site I was redirected to I'm not finding the optiarc 3570a myself . Does it sound like I should try to inform dell and burn at 6x speed instead of 4x?
What it sounds like is that DELL, as usual, takes what should be decent burners and somehow manages to ruin them. I guess you could search around for a way to crossflash your drive to original specs. I would simply avoid all the hassles and coasters and simply buy a new OEM burner.
Hi, If you wish to try Original NEC firmware on it (v1.12) binflash should let you flash it ! *** THIS WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY *** But hey, both my NEC Drives are using Liggy and Dee's firmware !