im using tmpgenc 2.5 plus to convert my avis to dvd the picture is very porr quality when i play the dvd in my dvd player is there any way to change this, also after i convert i have to burn with nero vision express that is the only program that will burn the outputfile that tmpgenc gives me i tryed to use tmpgenc dvd author and it seems to compress the dvd a lot and the picture is very low quality when i burn using that program, im using the settings for quality and speed that i found for tmpgenc can some one please lead me in the right path thanks
If you make a simple VCD with that AVI, the quality is better? Because I think that you either have conversion bugs or poor input video quality. Did you follow ? And, again: NEVER CONVERT AVI --> DVD BECAUSE YOU'RE MAKING A 4.5 GB MOVIE FROM A 700 MB AVI. Garbage In --> garbage out.