Hi i'm a "noob" at modding, but I sucessfully softmodded my xbox and can FTP between it and my PC. But....I downloaded the DVD2XBOX .zip file and extracted it and ftp'd it to a folder I created in the E drive of my xbox and it didn't work. I don't think the download that I got had the "default.xbe" file in it because i couldn't find it anywhere. So if anyone has a download link that worked for them, please give it to me. Any help at all would be great. By the way i'm running EvoX as a dashboard (in case anyone needs to know)
Here's the official DVD2XBOX project site, - http://sourceforge.net/projects/dvd2xbox/ Try downloading it from there, install it to - E:\Apps and then on EvoX go to - System Managment>Launch Apps from HDD, then choose DVD2XBOX. -Mike