My memory card is no longer being recognize by my computer it used to be recognize by my computer,i havent used action replay in about a month,the memory card i have is the memory card that came with the action replay,8mb,can someone help me please.
maybe its broken or just dusty. also try plugging it inot a different usb port most computers have 3. like my pc wont recongnize it if its plugged into the 2 front ones only the back usb port recognizes it.
its not dusty,i put it in all my computers usb slots which is 6.i havent used the action replay for about a month,my memory card use to be recognize,now it isnt.
aw come on someone please help me,i unstalled,reinstalled the action replay software and my memory card that came with the action replay is still not being recognize by the program,i put the docking station in all of my computers usb ports and the memery card is still not recognize by the action replay software. when ever i plug the memory card in the computer tells me found new hardware,usb mass storage,the action replay software use to be able to read the memory card now after a month without me using it,the action replay,the memory card is no longer recognize by the action replay software wtf,can someone please help me
Actually It does apply if your mem card has [bold]anything[/bold]to do with your computer. Search the link: You use the stuff he has provided to re do it.