Having trouble with dvd decrypter and dvd shrink

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by khaismum, Jan 6, 2007.

  1. khaismum

    khaismum Guest

    Hi all, Im not real good on correct terms but will try my hardest, I can usually burn a dvd just using dvd shrink first then straight to dvd decrypter but every now and again I come across a tough one so I have to use dvd decrypter straight up, now I can get the movie on to the computer but when I try to burn it to disc it says disc not big enough (Im using the biggest discs available) so I try and open with dvd shrink but keep getting invalid path. Does anyone else out there use dvd decrypter and if so can you please explain step by step the easiest way to get around burning a movie with protection. There is no information available on the net anymore for this. Thanks in advance.
  2. mistycat

    mistycat Active member

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    Last edited: Jan 6, 2007

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