Hi. I have the 'educational SP2 pack' (basically just the normal XP with SP2 slipstreamed in, but without the ring-up-and-verify thing) version of windows and have been having issues of late trying to get a CD emulator of some kind going. It installs, then reboots as normal; When it boots, upon reboot, it looks promising, starts to install the program in question then bang, blackscreen reboots, and when it looks for the drivers the next time around it can't find them. Any ideas?
What emulator is it? There are many XP SP2 and emulator/burning app issues. You'd probably be best off talking to the emulators maker and maybe submitting a system report to them.
That's just the thing, all of them; I've tried Daemon, CCD, Alcohol and Nero's "drive" and all of them fail miserably. They just go tits-up; Any hints?