I am attempting to do an AVI > DVD conversion. I have a divx (divx3) encoded file that has 5.1 channel AC3 audio. When I watch the movie, it plays and sounds just fine. However, when I try to save as WAV from nandub (direct stream copy), the resulting wav file sounds choppy. Here is an MP3 encoded version of the WAV file (500k) http://frutsel.terrainhost.com/frutselapp/dump/ferrell/lotr.mp3 I cannot seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. Does this seem familiar to anyone?
hi, I have the same problem, I guess. I can only guess since my pc wont play your mp3. I wanted to save as a wav and the file is absolutely "skippy"... heard that you can solve the problem by demuxing the avi in graphedit. only thing is, I haven't figured out how it works yet. check this thread as well fro updates. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/26559 if you have any solution, please mail me (bloodshed@web.de), I will mail you too if you gimme yer adress.
oh my god, stupid.... I'm so daft man...that's what nandub/vdub creates as WAV-file, but I remember the same thing occured once when i had an ac3 audio stream. so your nandub creates an ac3.wav, which is by filesize way too small to be a wav-file, right? Okay, thats the way: -take that wav-file and rename the appendix to ".ac3" -Get headac3he (software for transcribing ac3 to mp3, wav etc.)and load the ac3 file into it. -the rest is easy, you'll figure out yourself. gnarw.i could just bite my arse for my own stupidity...