im trying to burn an exact copy of hd i have the hdadvance disk. what program do i use . thanks in advance
use nero to burn the disc, also you need some type of modification done to be able to use the burnt disc or your gonna get the red screen.
you need a mod chip or swap magic disc to be able to play backups (burned ones that is). But their is no point in doing this since you have the HDloader or HDadvance (they both do the same thing) Just go buy 120gb HD and you can load like 30 games on it.
what type of modification do u need? i have the neocube. i tried burning a copy of the hdloader but it won't work in my ps2... am i doing something wrong? or does the neocube not work with the hdloader? thanks
I also have HD Advance 2.0. I purchased it because there are all of these great mods out there! I've also got a Magic 3.1 chip installed and it works great! Does anyone know the exact procedure, or perhaps there is already a thread on this, for making a backup copy of HD Advance 2.0? Also, Does anyone know of a guide for creating the backup? If I need to copy the files and then use some sort of hack, I'd appreciate being pointed in the right direction. P.S. People that have a downloaded copy of HDLoader or HDAdvance have a rare thing! Finding a valid download link now days is near impossible! Torrent, Morpheus etc. don't have any valid links! FYI!
just use nero to copy the disc...thats it, select data cd remember that you cannot use this disc in another PS2 unless its modded.
geestar20, I wish it were that easy! Have you tried ripping HD Advance 2.0 original disks? I have yet to contact anyone that has successfully done so. Nothing is impossible, but this if beyond the common, "click and presto!" I've also tried re-creating the CD/DVD with ISO Buster, but to no avail. And yes, geestar I know a machine needs to be modded before it can play back-ups.
Negative, I got rid of my HDadvance along time ago You would be suprised how many people have a backed up copy of HD Advance and no mod chip asking why doesnt this work.
Completely understood, geestar. I hope no offense was taken. I'd like to extract the files so I can use the cool patches and mods. Let me know if you hear anything!
What are you talking about??? I didn't wtite that LOL! You could probably check or ask in the PS2 if you havn't done already, but I'll keep my ear out and get back to you.
I have made a backup copy of hd advance cd and dvd version and it work with my swap magic 3.1,3.2 and 3.3.
Hey -Juneboy- get with -Berge- and pm him the info on how to make a backup of HDadvance or post the steps here.
Well, Juneboy tried to help me out with a program called APACHE, though he seems to have had luck with creating a backup of his original HD Advance 2.0 disk, I still have not. Any other suggestions?
I'd like to know about ripping HD Advance 2.0 too. If someone could post a how-to or a torrent link I would appreciate it.