I have Transformers the full movie with menus and all copied from an HD DVD on my hard drive. It has 2 folders, one says (ADV_OBJ) and the other says (HVDVD_TS) Is it possible to convert this to Blu Ray format? I would like this movie to be on Blu Ray with menus and all still in tact. If it's possible how can I do it?
Haven't used this forum in years, how do I edit that and change it? Sorry about, couldn't find out how to get rid of it.
i think its way too early to expect the software which turn hddvd to bd and also move only ripping softys like the way just dvdshrink does
can we use these 5 stpes to bluray and reg dvd to bluray too i guess and i hope thanx man ryuman where can i found hdifo application please help
That guide provides a detailed answer (including software needed) for the question Neuromods asked. For other conversions there will be different steps.
h264 when i went to 23.976 w tick on pull down its stuck and not responding any idea pease help thankyou in advance
thanx man hey and the other thing since this is working may be we can rip/or pull just bd movie-only from the bd disc with out any compression may be half of the movies are under 25gb(movie only) with out repacking/encoding/changing nothing like audio sub titles 1080p vidoe hd quality!! just a thought this guide is very close to developing a software that can converts hddvd to bluray and bluray shrink/encoder/re-author what ever we/they call
For EACtoGUI to work, you will also need Sonic HD-DVD decoder. About h264info not working. I can't understand why. You do know that need to load a raw (demuxed) h264 stream into it for it to work... Don't you?
Ryu, thanks much! Haven't checked the forum for a long time and just saw this. I'm gonna have to try it soon.
I do not think this wiki article can do this work. You will also need a Blu-Ray disk burner, of course. Sony's BWU100A, at $430 refurbished, is one choice. The cheapest going is Lite-On's $360 LH-2B1S. It is too expensive!
You could always recode to DVD9, which is what I have been doing. I know some here at Afterdawn have said a DVD9 isn't enough... I believe otherwise. I am viewing my movies on a 1080p 46" panel and I am very fussy quality wise. With a main movie only rip and one audio track, using AVC as the codec of choice... I have found a DVD9 to be enough room to maintain quality with very little or no visually perceptive difference from a Blu-ray or HD-DVD source.