Hello, i just bought a Samsung HD DVD player that supports the high def. formats 720P and 1080i, I also bought the movie fast and the furious tokyo drift, When i put the dvd in the hd dvd player with the HD DVD version side of the disc in, it will not play the disc, the dvd is brand new, my question is, on the back on the dvd case it says formatted in 1080p, Is this why my hd dvd player will not play it?
Samsung doesn't make standalone HD-DVD players (yet). What you probably have is an upconverting DVD player that's why it says 720p and 1080i (not 1080p). It will not play HD-DVD's. Give us the model number and we'll know for sure.
eatsushi is correct. The Samsung HD860 is not an HD-DVD player but an upconverting player. It cannot play the HD-DVD side of the Tokyo Drift disc. Maybe you can take the disc back to the store for a refund.
Well im going to keep the hd dvd, Im looking for a hd dvd player, can anyone recommend one that is a reasonable price?
I purchased the Toshiba xa2 from Amazon for $585.00... excellent player with outstanding upconvert for standard dvds.both for pq and audio. Highly recommended player. It also has hdmi out and 5.1 analog output