Hey yall... Ive been trying to backup my ps2 games lately and when ever I try to using DVD decrypter half way through reading it says i donthave enuf room on the hard drive... I have 14 Gb left... So I tried it on my USB HDD with 33Gb left- same messege... is there something to prevent over 4Gb transfers? can someone pleeease help me.
What Operating system are you using and what file system did you format your drives with? There are limits in certain cases.
:'( Windows XP Home NTFS... i thought that would be the problem... but, is there any way i can change it? without formating it again? any regedit or anything tricky i can do? My mate seems to be able to backup fine, same NTFS but he says its cos i got only 512Mb ram... i dont think that has much to do, i tihnk thats alrite- for burning that is...
Thats the problem ~4 gig max. NTFS all the way. I think there is a program that will convert the drives but I don't remember what it is so somebody will come along and tell you how.
eh, i heard that changing to NTFS wont allow u to do certain things? sometimes network problems... anyone no anythin bout?
XP was built on the NTFS file system. It will not prevent you from doing anything. A file system has nothing to do with network connections or anything else. It's just a different storage method. Programs don't care how they get their data as long as they get it and that is what control's things. Actually NTFS will allow you to do things you can't in Fat32. You just saw your first one.
only disadvantage i could think of is if you dualboot linux you wont be able to read those drives anymore (from linux), but i believe the new ext3 filesystem can recognize ntfs now, but not sure which distros use ext3 yet. other than that i think performance wise ntfs is better, less fragmenting and such i dont know im really tired and shouldnt be typing anymore...