well I got the crappiest surprise yesterday when I turned on my PC...one fo my HDDs had unpartioned itself...and in order to do any form of damge checks I ahd to repartition it goodbye 220 gigs of data - I've since run a few partiton revocery softwares, like easeus, that should be able to reclead the old partition even after a new one is started. Didn't find it so I cried quietly to myself over the data loss and started a new partition and formatted it - ready for new data. But today when I log on the HDD has unpartitioned itself again. So is the HDD noew gone completely FUBAR or is there something shifty going on here?
no other PCs around to test with sadly. It's an old HDD - I put it at 7-8 years old and this is the first time it's had an error that resulted in loss - and I'll admit as far as errors go this is one of the big ones.