If the HDD is locked or unlocked can you FTP. I can FTP but i cant tranfer the files between the folders, so im wondering if this is the problem. Thanks in advanced
i think it is because the hdd is locked, unlock it with slayers evox auto-installer then try again. pm me if you need more help.
I meant to say unlocked. anyways my xbox runs fine with it unlocked. original xbox dash even comes up fine. well my xbox dash is moddified so it won't send the unlock code.
yes it unlocks it everytime you power up so that it can add files to it but if you try and boot unlocked you will get an error message
I keep mint unlocked cause my friend engineered a way to disable the hdd unlock code functon and still keep the dash file in a condition that the xbox can read when booting with the xbox chip off. My hdd is really unlocked all the time. I unlocked it using slayers evox auto installer 2.7. i can get u the xbe i use to boot the original xbox dash with an unlocked hdd. i think this is something that is great for the xbox mod-scene.