hdd problem

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by uratowel, Oct 17, 2004.

  1. uratowel

    uratowel Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    ok, this is embarassing... but i was just curious and opened up my xbox and took out the hdd for a l0ooking at
    iwent and got the fone and my 3 year old brother took teh hard drive and threw it down 12 stairs.simply shaddered. ne wayz a frend upgraded his hdd and gave me his original xbox hdd. but now i get error 6. ive reserched this and it is a locking problem. is there ne where where i can unlock my hdd? or is it a version error. his was a 1.4 and mines a 1.5. thanx in advance
  2. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    Get your friend to unlock the HDD for you.
  3. uratowel

    uratowel Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    how do i do that?
  4. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    You said he gave you his original HDD right? Well, give it back to him and have him hooked it back up with his Xbox. I think that is the only way you can do it since his original HDD was locked with his Xbox, you need his Xbox to unlock it in order to use it with your Xbox. I don't know of another way.

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