A while ago i turned my xbox on and it made this loud, annoying clicking noise. It kept clicking for a few minutes without looading a game or even the dashboard and then displayed a message that said "Your xbox requires service, please call customer support". I opened my xbox and found that this clicking noise was coming from my HDD. I guess that means my HDD is broken and I have to get a new one. (my xbox is pretty old). I googled my problem and found out that it is possible to swap your hdd for an new one, but only if your xbox is modded. My xbox isnt modded, but i was planning on modding my xbox sometime and i will mod it right away if i need to do it to get a new hdd. But i dont think i can mod my xbox without a working HDD in my xbox, and i cant put a new hdd in my xbox without modding it. What should I do? I also want to still be able to use xbox live.
you will have to get a chip and of the Xecuter chips will work also the xenium's and another hard drive...with the chips u will be able to get on live just disable the chip and put the original game in your xbox..
I would recomend the Xenium chip, I use these and they work great, they have a built in OS that is easy to use. I've heard the Xecuters do as well, but I don't have any personal experiece. Just make sure you find out which version Xbox you have first. xbox-scene.com has a great tut for that.