headset's mic broken or not ?

Discussion in 'Audio' started by DynatyxXx, May 21, 2005.

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  1. DynatyxXx

    DynatyxXx Regular member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    today i fusking sliped on my headset...stupid huh?
    i tried recording with sound recorder and another program... i had to scream to hear the most quiet sound a man could ever make... then in volume i did some friggin settings i forgot which...... and well... I unmuted the microphone and it worked marvelous, i was hearing myself loud and clearly...but i was hearing myself LIVE if ya know what i mean...i was hearing me in the same time i was talking......
    i dont think my mic is broken, but how do i make it work without hearing myself in the same time?
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