Headstores closing in Ireland are going to cause a lot of illegal drugs to flood back into Ireland

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Vue, Mar 5, 2010.

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  1. Vue

    Vue Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    Before i go on, i'd like to say that the use of any drug is bad
    Including alcahol, that should be a class A drug.
    But everyone has an addiction to something, if you don't we don;t want to hear from you.

    Since the head stores opened in Ireland, the number of drug related crimes dropped simpley because most of the drug users in Ireland tryed legal alternatives that work.

    This has massivly effected the illegal drug supplys in and to Ireland.
    The government are aware of this, and yet they are taking away the legal alternatives and are aware that the country will be flooded with illegal drugs again.

    One of the reason i believe the government are doing this is because since the legal head stores opened, the police were not getting as many busts as they were.
    By taking this away the drug lords in Ireland are put back in business
    There is no other way to look at this that's the fact and it is gonna happen pritty fast
    So in other words by giving into the illegal supply of drugs in ireland the police will have a lot more work again.

    I believe from talking to different sources that as soon as
    the head stores close in ireland there is going to be a massive flood
    of illegal drugs back into Ireland and business will be back to normal.

    Thanks to ourgovernment, they aresoo nieve.
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    I suspect that the situation in Ireland mirrors Canada.
    Politicians can't be bought - they can however be rented.
  3. Vue

    Vue Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    I think it is soo bad it is wrong
    I know lots of people who turned to alternatives
    I am talking about smokers, not people who buy those other legal substances like pills etc, they can be dangerous if misused.
    There is no harm in the herbal alternatives, incenses, the effects ware off very quickly also.
    If you see my point of view, where as all these people turning to legal alternatives seriously effect the illegal supply of drugs in all forms.
    That is why they burnt down some head store here,not the people, the drug dealers.
    The government are giving back to the illegal drug suppliers in Ireland, no head store = illegal trade back in business.
    I have no doubt about that.

    And the govenment also know that by closing these stores the police will have more work unlike recent times.
    Not saying the police have nothing to do, well depends what part of the country they work.

    They will never completely stop illegal supply of drugs in Ireland, but i felt these head stores in Ireland actually gave the illegal drug dealers and suppliers a good kick in the ass, took away part of heir business.
    Was that not a good thing to happen?
    They need to rethink drug laws here or make certin strains legal, that would also seriously effect the importing and supply of illegal drugs in Ireland.

    That is how i feel.
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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