Hey everyone, Just wanted to take the time to thank everyone that contributes to this site. I am a TOTAL noob when it comes to DVD's and all subjects related. After a few days of trial and error and reading these posts I've managed to rip my DVD's back them up and (for learning purposes) convert an AVI DiVX back to DVD-R. Most of my mistakes where simple little ones and as much as i hate to say it mostly caused by not fully reading the guides. Anyway my only suggestion would be to update the AVI to DVD guide to include a link the the TMPGEnc Common Problems! post. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/40101 My big glitch (yeah other then user error = ) was that TMPGEnc was over stating the size of my project. Following the instructions (which for the noob wasn't totally clear as to where to find those settings) I found in the common problems link I got my issue resolved. Anyway just wanted to give my feedback and thanks!
One issue I should have mentioned above is that sometimes when using TMPGEnc all I end up with is with the .m2v and .mp2 files (no IFO files). Also after hours and hours I'll come back and its prompting me to overwrite one of the files it has created. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong here.
Yeah, this forum has been a great help in getting me organized, from the guides to the clever, knowledgeable techies. Thank you all.
Nnyan Now that's what we want to hear, a new member that took time to do a little homework. You're a reminder of why we're here and now you have something to give back.