I've just burnt like my 3rd .cue/.bin today and none of them will let them selves be read once i put the cd in into the computer. After the first couple of failures I knew only to do .iso because those always work but every time i'm and about searching for things that i need half of the time theres only .cue/.bin and everytime i burn it using alchohol 120% all i do is click image finder... click the .cue the then go to burn cd and in the desc it has the /path to the .bin and the .cue says it burns correctly and everything then i insert into the ocmputer and it doesn't read like an iso... And i installed a game by burning a .mdx (i think it's don't mdx it's .md something so anyways it all worked installed and everything bu once i go to play the game it says it's protected by secron or something and that i need to stop using the back up file how do i get passed that... THANK YOU SO SO SO Much inadvance