Hey everyone! I just found out about this site today and decided to join. Started this thread just to say hello and introduce myself and explain why I decided to join. So here it goes, my name is Frodo, I'm from Portugal but living Ireland for the last six years or so. I studied languages but ended up working in accounts (I chose security over job sastisfaction and hunger+homelessness or living with my folks till I was 40, so sue me, lol). I'm really into music, especially Metal but am very open minded and can listen and appreciate most generes,as long as it's good music so also into alternative rock, indie, some electro, techno, folk, classical, good pop music, oldies, country music... You name it. I joined this site quite simply because an afterdawn member linked it in another forum we both post in and I really liked it! Seems like an excellent source of info. And right now I'm working on some music of my own (basically some bog standard techno tracks, nothing too exciting) and I'm gonna need to know how to convert my finished tracks into mp3 and other formats so I can upload them somewhere on the web and all that. So yeah, taht's my 3 cents.
Welcome to AfterDawn; Hope you enjoy your stay! Lol, hotel receptionist Anyway welcome to aD and have fun.
Hey LusoFrodo Welcome to aD! When you get your music done check out aD's sister site http://www.mp3lizard.com/
yeah, i hope you enjoy your stay! aD is a great place for finding out ANYTHING about ANYTHING! trust me, if you want to know how to get your toast stuck in the toaster without electricuting yourself? some fella or lady on aD will tell you how :-D Have Fun -pepsi
if you cant find info on what you want here, you're either blind or dead, or maybe both! Since you obviously overlooked posting them, i'll remind you that you forgot to post your turn-ons/turn-offs. (seems like every other bit of info was in there so what the hell) welcome aboard
Actually, I think there are several people that would disagree with that statement... Anyway, LusoFrodo, Hope you do learn things from aD, and that you can expand your knowledge of the technical world - God I am full of those b/s comments Lol
Yes , But if you visit the motorola PSP and windows forums im sure you will find some who will agree! So ha! See some people form their opinions of me from what they view in the safety valve which isn't great... Oh well I will stop rambling -Nothing against you mate =D