Hello i'm a long time reader first time poster and i am having some trouble. Now first off i have a xbox with a chip and a Hard drive, apperently i run a EVO X dashboard but from the description i have heard from a lot of you it doesnt sound like mine is a EVO X. Ok, now to the problem a friend of mine recently sent me Blitz: The league, from America i live in australia, with it was the game, file dummy and Quik101 (or something). He sent it to me in a USB flash drive. In it were files formats like: Xbe, bak, lf, Bin, Mpk and two folders: Classic and Movies which contain other files. Now i have used soooo many programs to convert these in to ISO files and burnt it so many times, none have worked so far, what happens is it freezes on the load up doesnt even go to the game nor my dashboard. i have burnt games many times (usually come in Rar format) Now i need help to see if its: My Xbox, the Disc's im using(not likely), The game he sent or if u can identify another problem with. I NEED HELP QUICK
Have you tried changing the region of your xbox? that way you can also rule out the idea of the games being in the format of another region of xbox... Ie- NTSC/PAL.
well, usually you would take the files, put them all in a folder on your PC, then use Craxtion4 to make it into an ISO file. If that doesn't work it may just be that gane he sent. another way would be to take the files in the folder on the PC and FTP them to the hard drive on the Xbox. then you know it is most likely the game if it did not work.
thanks for that, i have tried FTP alot of times through my wireless router just cant do it im going to try again tonight, if it doesnt work im gonna get a crossover cable.
not sure i understand that last part. Movies and games are two different things. With games you extract the ISO into a folder so it is a bunch of files then you can FTP the whole folder to your Xbox. With a movie, if it is an AVI or DivX file you can just FTP it like that. Of if it is a Video-TS folder you can FTP that folder. But if it is an ISO i am pretty sure you have to use something like DVD Shrink or ISO buster to extract the files from the ISO and into a folder, then FTP the whole folder.
OK i finally did a FTP i got the game over and it still doesnt work so i've given up, but just for note i went into other games in my HDD and noticed that they all had a "default.xbe_orig" and Blitz didnt, for future reference do i need a .xbe_orig for the game to work?
the XBE file is the main executable file. Without that it would not run. But it may not always be called Default.XBE_Orig It may just be called Default.xbe But either way there has to be an XBE file for any Xbox program or it will not work.