hey guys i was in the process of "hotswapping" my xbox between by pc, to install UNLEASH X Dashboard and just to softmod my xbox...but after i installed the softmod onto my xbox, when i went to go plug in my hard drive back into my xbox, i accidently bent 3 or 4 of the pins and there is no luck in fixing them back, there stuck really bad.. i have to extra hard drives 1 is 4.32GB and the other is like 3.2 GB is there anyway i can hook those up to my xbox and restore everthing back to normal?
easy way to fix the bent pins, get a knife and pry them back straight, and for the love of god dont cut your hand off
haha thanks but i allready tried doing that and failed the pins are really jammed into the back is there anyway i can add a new hd without a modchip? or something?
nope you have to have your eeprom.bin off of your old hard drive, or you need a modchip, and there is a way to fix that, you may not have a good connection but keep trying, you can fix it.
Well if your interested in spending a good 100$ you can get a mod chip with a HD and everything you need
well there is hard drives on this site ready to go all you have to do is lock them they are specificly for xbox's with everything you need. you get a mod chip with the hard drive then install them then with your xbox the flash bios screen comes up and it has options like lock hard drive so you install the flash bios with the hard drive locked and ur ready to go
http://www.xbox-modchips.com/xbox-harddrive-upgrades.htm for the hard drives and for the best mod chip (my opinion) http://www.xbox-modchips.com/x2lite.htm you need to find out what version your xbox is first 1.0-1.5 or 1.6-1.6b because there are 2 xapters for it unless you would be willing to do the pin header install witch is soldering stuff on to the motherboard
or even better get the xecuter 2.6 ce lite with the right xapter and a 80 gb drive or something else you have lying around.... 80 gbs is pretty good it can hold about 10-15 games or even more ^.^ so what ever your going to do get back to me and ill help ya out
but he has the default HDD 8 gb's is nothing mybe 1 game lol well either way if his xbox still reads a disc then he can pop in a new HD (80gb) ^.^ and then pop in a slayer disc then do a full build with the upgraded HD option and ur good to go then lock ur drive thats exactly what i did mate and yup!!
well when i boot my xbox up it just comes up saying XBOX and the Microsoft logo under it doesnt come up is there anyway installing a new hdd without modding/modchip
Well as long as you dont loose to many pins u should be able to pull the wrecked ones off and it should work BUT its not recommened because A. it might not work B. down the orad one day something will go rong ^.^