Hi All, What a resource here! I have always used Nero Vision 4 to perform basic editing on .avi files before converting to DVD format etc.. Have just installed the Nero 7 Suite onto a new PC (WinXP Pro) and while all other functions of the Nero products have worked just fine, I have today tried for the 1st time to use Nero Vision 4 to edit a small .avi file. The file will load into the storyline, but will not play it - it stays on the "still" of the first frame. The time bar moves across the timescale as usual, but I get no animation/sound etc. The very same .avi file can be played in Media Player and Nero Showtime, so I'm completely stumped. Can anyone make any suggestions?
Are you using the most recent version of N7, http://www.nero.com/nero7/enu/nero7-up.php I think I've seen this complaint before but I don't know if there was a fix. I'll try to search when I get a chance. You can also edit with VirtualDub (free): http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/virtualdub.cfm
Thanks laddyboy, Yes, my further digging has led me to believe the problem is that N7 (my version is btw) does not support M-JPEG AVI files. Can't find a plug-in or any other way around it, and it seems to be a common problem for many who take video with their "stills" cameras. So the files must be converted to a compatible format. VirtualDub, AutoGK, or a small proggie (GNU GPL) called Mp4Cam2Avi seems to do the trick as well. A bit of a work around, but I'm sooo used to editing raw footage and creating my DVD's with Nero, that I'd like to keep using it. I never had this problem previously as I was using a video camera that I was capturing from using the compatible DivX or XVid codecs, but with this new camera.... Obviously, as you suggested, the use of a completely different editing/authoring application could be an answer, but as I said above, I'm very comfortable with Nero, and will avoid a new learning curve (for now) if I can. Thanks for your reply, I'm still working on it and any help would be appreciated.
Do you have the K-lite Codec Pack installed. I think it has a motion jpeg codec that may allow Nero to accept and recognize your files. http://www.codecpackguide.com/klcodec.htm