Help Broadband Sloooow

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by kaperski, Feb 25, 2004.

  1. kaperski

    kaperski Guest


    I'm using Half Mb DSL Broadband with British Telecom Upgrade to 1Mb line test failed.
    No cable in this area.

    I'm really not happy with the speed I'm receiving.
    I've been told that I'm fortunate to have broadband 'cause I'm on the very edge of
    the broadband area/receiving limit.
    Sitting right on the fence was the engineer's expression. (lol)

    Anyway, can anyone recommend a good internet optimizer that actually works with DSL Broadband?

    Thanks in advance
  2. Shad

    Shad Regular member

    Aug 3, 2003
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    If i were you i wouldn't use internet optimizers because those things are really BULL SH*T to tell u the truth. What i would do is cancel the "DSL" service and get CABLE internet because i guarantee you that it will blow away dsl. Cable internet has a much wider signal limit and usually costs less than dsl (this is only if you already have cable television).
  3. Xian

    Xian Regular member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    If you are at the edge there is not much you can do about it. That's the nature of DSL, the farther from the Central Office the slower your speed. Internet optimizers will not help you much, mostly they will just change your TCP/IP window size so that you only acknowledge every x amount of packets instead of every packet. You can't uncap a DSL line like a cable modem, the speed setting is coded into the line card at the DSLAM, not in the modem itself like cable.
  4. kaperski

    kaperski Guest

    Hi there,

    Shad, no cable in our area Grrrr.

    Xian, yes I'm begining to realize there's not
    much I can do but accept the situation.

    There's a village nearby and I've been told (again by the engineer) there's no hope of them having broadband.
    At least I do have broadband, so I'm lucky.

    Thx for the replies guys.
  5. cryptdigr

    cryptdigr Guest

    Have you tried ? You can pretty much find any type of broadband info here as well as registry patches etc.. I currently have a 3megdown/128kup cable connection and the patch still enabled me to pickup an extra 250k d/l speed! I've been using their site for the past couple of years and have yet to have any problems.
  6. djMurda

    djMurda Member

    Feb 6, 2004
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    I found a internet booster that works pretty good--)Zilla Connection Accelerator,go to,its free

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