Help burning halo2 - please!!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by djneils98, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. djneils98

    djneils98 Member

    Oct 19, 2004
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    hi all
    i just downloaded halo2 but can't get it to burn (xbox won't recognise the burnt disk)
    I have burnt xbox games successfully in the past using cloneXB but that didn't seem to work with halo2. (I have done the conversion to dvd5 ok)
    could anyone who's burnt this ok let me know what software and settings they used???
  2. djneils98

    djneils98 Member

    Oct 19, 2004
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    anyone?? please????
  3. russnroll

    russnroll Member

    Oct 12, 2004
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    ur a [removed], your xbox wont read the format of the burnt disk!
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2004
  4. djneils98

    djneils98 Member

    Oct 19, 2004
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    yeah, thanks for that. Anyone got anything helpful to say?
  5. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Watch your mouth and have a little respect. Make another post like that and you're history.
  6. benji594

    benji594 Guest

    Ive got the same problem. it just wont play!!! its to big to burn to disc to start with but if you look around there is a dos based programe that takes a few small bits out the video footage between scenes and then rebuilds it making it smaller and able to burn. there is also one that converts it from dvd9 to dvd5. ive tried both of these but cant get either of them to play :( is there a way to ftp downloaded or coppied games on to the xbox hdd??
  7. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    yes, there is but dont bother, it wont work from the drive either. i only tried the remade DVD5 version, not the 4.39gb one
  8. shinobier

    shinobier Guest

    there's very easy way to burn this game and install on your modded xbox hdd and no, you don't even need to dvd9 to dvd5 converter was hook up your xbox to your pc and transfer with ftp.
    i can't tell you how here but i can tell you this. it's very easy. you just need to think a little and you will figure it out.
    someone i know did this and it worked wonder. whee..

    here's hint.. use xiso =)

    err.. and please don't ban me. i don't own this illegal pirated version or modified my xbox. -__-;;
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2004
  9. benji594

    benji594 Guest

    Tried using xiso still wont play. Am i missing somthing???
  10. modojojo

    modojojo Guest

    yeah I can't find the dvd9 to dvd5 program so I tried to transfer to the Hd. It transfered succesfully but when I went to run the game I got a dirty disk error message.
  11. mvd87

    mvd87 Guest

    Do you want to know why the XBox won't play it? I can easily tell you. It is because the game isn't even out yet, and you just downloaded a pirated copy that you can and will be fined many thousands of dollars for. So, here is how you get the game to play on your Xbox, you go out on November 9th, buy the game for the much better price of 49.99, and put it in your Xbox, instead of propogating the problem and disrespecting the people that have worked so hard to create this game by stealing it. Every single person that downloads pirated copies of games is no better than the people that walk into a store and steal it, the only difference is that you are a coward that tries to do it hiding behind a computer
  12. RedAnt

    RedAnt Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Wow!!! Hey mvd87 you get a lot of nosebleeds from on top of that high horse.If you disagree that's your right but calling them cowards is a bit much.Take a deep breath and try to be a bit more civil.

    Thank you.
  13. csmarket

    csmarket Member

    May 3, 2004
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  14. arunie

    arunie Member

    Oct 29, 2004
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    If you guys have the 4.5 GB version of the ISO, extract it into a folder using xISO. Then use FLASHFXP to transfer it to the Xbox harddrive games folder. There should be several files, and eveything should work properly. Also, the dashboard could cause problems. I have two Xboxes...both w/ different versions of Evo X. But some games copy on one, and others don't.
  15. mvd87

    mvd87 Guest

    Sorry, but if there is one thing that will get on my nerves it is when someone blatently asks why they can't run a game they have aquired illegally on their system. I personally believe that the jerks who leaked the game have completely disrespected the hard work and time spent making this game as good as it can be, all for us, the consumers, the paying consumers. If someone is having trouble getting a game that they have downloaded illegally to work, they should do one of two things, first, is to wait until the legal game comes out and buy it, or, if your mind is set on playing the pirated one, at least not look for help with a message on the public internet. I mean, it is just stupid, heck, I stumbled here when I saw this post on a google search for Halo 2. How much do you want to bet law enforcement officials browse these same forums looking for such keywords?
  16. russnroll

    russnroll Member

    Oct 12, 2004
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    Ill be a little more helpful here this time. i tried to do what you are trying to do, and it wont work. yes, i used Xiso, but that doesnt work for me. just wait a few extra days, and you will have the game in your hands. i know i will. If you want to pirate yourself some games, then get a modded xbox, or try to download your games yourself. until then, dont try anything stupid.... ughh
  17. dagger969

    dagger969 Guest

    you have a modded xbox right?....russnrolls comment just kinda threw me off.
  18. dagger969

    dagger969 Guest

    and while this game has been leaked and that may not have been right, do you actually think taht it is going to effect the sales??? I highly doubt it, seeing as this is the most anticipated game and all whom I know that have pirated it have already preordered the real one.
  19. mvd87

    mvd87 Guest

    Then what is the point in pirating it, you are only gaining maybe a month on everyone else, plus, it's not nessasarily the finished product, and it is in French, right? And for what cost, the possibility of having to pay a multithousand dollar fine if you are caught? It doesn't seem that smart to pirate a video game that will cost 50 bucks, especially when it comes out in less than a month, well, less than a week now, when you have the chance of getting caught and fined about one hundred fold of what the game costs
  20. russnroll

    russnroll Member

    Oct 12, 2004
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    No i dont have a modded xbox, but it IS common sense on how to copy a game, although, i dont think that anyone out here has been able to download correctly.

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