Help burning multiple mini-dvd's to 1 just regular DVD

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by al3xdawn, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. al3xdawn

    al3xdawn Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    Hello Guys

    I recently bought a SONY CAMCORDER (DCR-DVD105), those cameras use a little DVD's to record pictures, after the recording is complete (and the little DVD is closed) I can copy those DVD files to my PC using my DVD-ROOM. (My Camecorder doesn't provide USB-cable). Once I have those files in my PC I can (using NERO) record or burn a DVD (regular size) to be played in a regular DVD player.

    As those little DVD's are only 30 minutes long, the most practical solution would be take 4 or 5 little DVD's, and burn them to a regular size DVD, so If I make a 2 hour recording, it doesn't have any sense to record 4 regular DVD's, 30 min each. The must common solution would be (and I'm sure you agree with me) take all the data and put it (or burn it) in just 1 regular DVD.

    I've read all the Sony Camcorder manual traying to find the solution. As well I've read the little Nero manual that come inside the package, but THEY ONLY EXPLAIN HOW TO COPY 1 Mini-DVD.

    First time I tried to copy the diferent mini DVD's to my PC in different folders, but when I tried to mix them in just 1 burning session Nero says that all the files have the same name. So at the end, I'm just able to copy to a regular DVD one of them (30mins). Certainly, the different DVD files inside the different folders have similar structure and names, so I don't know what to do. I tried to change manually the names of the files, but Nero doesn't recognize them, thoug.

    What to do????

    TPFKAS Regular member

    Jan 1, 2005
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