HELP !!!!can someone help me unlock channels

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by IRONICGAL, Apr 8, 2007.



    just to explain what happened briefly ....dbox froze i turned it off and it started coming up with scrolling computer jargon ....finally got rid of that but i couldnt get all the channels still not able to get most of my channels and all the ones i cannot get have a little key sign down the bottom(Locked i presume) all the channels i can get dont have that sign can n e one help me get my channels back plz ive done a rescan but that has not solved the problem ... on doing the rescan says i have the channels but its just a black screen but u can hear the channels trying to come through ...hope ive explained it as much as i can please help
  2. dc69

    dc69 Regular member

    Feb 6, 2007
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    stop cluttering up the dont need to start multiple threads.all you have to do is put on a new image,there are plenty of threads that deal with this,go read them and if you still have a problem people will be more than glad to help

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