I've extracted the AVI file from the .bin file for both CD's, now i have 2 avi files and 2 .srt files i need help with how to burn them both onto 1 DVD with the 2 seperate sub files for each part this would be very much appriciated
Join the avi files with AVIDemux. Load the first file then append the second. Save with a new name. Verify that sync is ok in the joined file. Run Subtitle Workshop. Tools > Join Subtitles Check the boxes 'Load file after join' and 'Recalculate time values'. [it will load the new combined file and reset the values on the second part of the subs] 'Add' the subtitle files and click 'Join'. The new combined files will load. Click 'Movie' and open the movie file and check the subs sync. AviDemux http://www.videohelp.com/tools/AviDemux Subtitle Workshop http://www.urusoft.net/downloads/subtitleworkshop251.zip