help connecting to xbox with flashFXP

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by ger08, Jun 15, 2005.

  1. ger08

    ger08 Member

    Feb 5, 2005
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    alright well i tried following the guide in this forum but for some reason using flash FXP it would not connect. Alright heres my setup: i have a modded box (obviously) and i switched to the avalaunch dashboard (V 0.48 if that helps) and went to network then ip settings and set DHCP to disabled and the xbox ip is, Gateway is (i used the guide to set it on the computer) Sub, DNS1, DNS2 (the guide didnt say anything about the DNS so i did not mess with that on the computer) and Proxy is disabled. I am using Linksys Wireless-B broadband router and im using a wireless controller or whatever u call it which is plugged into my xbox. The Linksys is plugged directly into the back of my computer in the ethernet port which my internet usually goes into. Oh and i noticed when i plugged my internet back in, unplugging the linksys, the ip still stayed on the xbox and on my normal dashboard i cant turn off dhcp but i figured since i switched to avalaunch it would be okay...oh and ive also tried Craxtion and i disabled norton when doing this. Well this is my problem thanks for any help!
  2. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    I have the same router and I have no problems...maybe I can help.

    I don't recommend utilizing it's wireless capabilities to connect but of course that's your option.

    You'll need a CAT5 cable for your xbox.
    On your PC, go to start, run, and type in cmd
    then at the command prompt type "ipconfig /all" (no quotes)
    Write down the info you'll need. DNS, Gateway, Subnet Mask. I say get this because you should set up a static IP on your xbox for ease of later operations and you will need to input this info into your xbox's network settings. So, do that. Set up a static IP in the box and then input that info into Flash FXP for the connection setup.

    If you want to use DHCP, just plug the CAT5 cable into your router, set the xbox for DHCP, restart it, load Flash FXP, input the current xbox ip settings info so you can connect to it and you should be good.

    If you still have problems, make sure you disable the boost mode in your xbox's FTP settings, restart and try again.
  3. ger08

    ger08 Member

    Feb 5, 2005
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    alright so i dont need to go to local area properties and input my own ip if using dhcp correct? oh and also do i need the ip or the default gateway because they are different on my computer and also what ip do i type into the xbox or do i just use the one the xbox already has?
  4. ger08

    ger08 Member

    Feb 5, 2005
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    alright well now on flashfxp it says no route to host found....all i did was type in the settings on my xbox like u said ( i dont know how to disable boost or where its found) and used the ip on my xbox in flash fxp and it wouldnt work

    oh and also now i took ur advice and am using it as a hub...but even when all i have is the xbox hooked into the router then it hooked into nothing on my main dashboard an ip DHCP still shows up yet its not plugged into anything else? oh and when i unplug from the internet the ipconfig u told me to do all the info changes and no gateway ip shows up just one above it that is 168 somethin...
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2006
  5. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    Whatever the settings are for your PC (subnet, gateway, etc.) use the same in the xbox. Think of it like this, if your PC's settings are letting you access the internet then they must be correct. So if you set your xbox with the same settings, it should follow suit. But remember, changing the settings of the xbox (subnet, gateway, etc) is ONLY if you want to set up a static IP. If you prefer DHCP, set it like so in your xbox (should be something that says enable DHCP -yes or no-) and once restarted, the IP address given out by your router will override those settings. You also want to make sure DHCP is enabled on your PC.

    I hope I haven't confused you but believe me, using a router for this process makes the process a lot more simple. If it's still not working, lemme know, I want stop till we solve this.
  6. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    You can't unplug form the net and do IP config, that defeats the purpose. Sorry for confusion but I never said disconnect. The command I gave you "ipconfig /all" will show you your internet information and what not, if you unplug of course there will be nothing there. This is what I wrote...
    -----------On your PC, go to start, run, and type in cmd
    then at the command prompt type "ipconfig /all" (no quotes)
    Write down the info you'll need. DNS, Gateway, Subnet Mask. I say get this because you should set up a static IP on your xbox for ease of later operations and you will need to input this info into your xbox's network settings. So, do that. Set up a static IP in the box and then input that info into Flash FXP for the connection setup.-------
    When you do that all the settings for your IP Configuration, Ethernet Adapters, COntrollers, etc...will be displayed. That's how you will know what to put in your xbox "if you're using a static IP address for your xbox". Like I said, if your going by way of DHCP, you won't need that at all because the router will assign the information to your xbox and anything else on your network with DHCP enabled.
  7. NytWolf

    NytWolf Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    Ok im officaly pissed i have done processes after processes after processes ive done 3-4 differnet ways but yet none of them work. In this case the ftp client provided (FlashFXP) constanly fails to access the xbox it has its own set ip (set by the router) everything is the way u said but one thing i might know is the problem(wtf is this boost) the boost you were talking about earlyier please please help me
  8. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    Boost mode. If you go into the Network settings of your xbox and then to the ftp settings. One of the options in there is related to the "boost mode being enabled". I found in the past that failing connection have been revived by disabling this. Especially with the use of the Qwix program.
  9. ger08

    ger08 Member

    Feb 5, 2005
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    ya i figured it out all i did was use dhcp and used my normal dashboard with the dhcp typed it in and it worked...oh and i also made sure i was connected to the internet too but thanks for the help
  10. Inam

    Inam Member

    Oct 28, 2003
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    hey i need some help too, how do i make sure my comp has dchp on as well?
  11. ger08

    ger08 Member

    Feb 5, 2005
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    ya do what uniique1 said for me to do "On your PC, go to start, run, and type in cmd
    then at the command prompt type "ipconfig /all" (no quotes)"
    then it should say dhcp enabled then see if it says yes or no
  12. badong69

    badong69 Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    Ok right, now i have been reading and reading this thread all dam day, I have changed all the setting on my Xbox now so they match my netowrk setting except for the xbox ip ( and my pc is

    Now when i go to use flash it says first it has connected, then it says connection failed (connection lost.) So what the hell am i doing wrong, sadly i know pretty much nothing about networks anyways so this was gonna be a challenge for me but as i say, i have changed my xbox' Default gateway, Dns and subnetmask too match those on my PC (using the cmd - ipconfig /all command.) ALso i believe my xbox is set to static (whatever that means) But i can't find the Dhcp thingy on my xbox setting menu. So what the hell am i doing wrong? Is it just me or have i missed something out major? Please help me asap before i bin this bloody xbox :S

    Also under my xbox setiings menu i have 2 DNS entry lines, so do i put the same numbers in both or just one? and is CAT5 cable a parrelle cable or a crossover cable? Yer i know i am a real newbi :p
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2005
  13. ger08

    ger08 Member

    Feb 5, 2005
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    well if u wanna use dhcp dont assign ur computer to an ip undo that as uniique1 told me to do and i believe a cat5 (also called ethernet i believe) is not the same as a crossover but u can use cat5 as long as u have a hub/router. All i did was left my computer at dhcp (did not assign an ip) on my box my main dash had an ip which said dhcp next to it and i made a site with flash fxp and it connected fine. i blelieve my dash was evolutionX
  14. badong69

    badong69 Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    Right yer my IP on the Xbox mentions nothing about DHCP, so like is my evoulation X package crap or something? Also if i invest in a crossover cable, will that make things easier? i know its quicker cos that what my mate does but do i just plug it in and go? or have i got to change all the settings again? All i wanna do is play conker live and reloaded :p
  15. ger08

    ger08 Member

    Feb 5, 2005
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    well this threads about connecting to flash fxp it can be totally different playin a game but the setup should be pretty much the same i do believe
  16. badong69

    badong69 Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    Yer it is the same, everyone i know uses flash fxp and craxtion 4 to set up there xbox's , sadly they don't live near me anymore so i am alone. Nevermind but thanks anyway.
  17. ger08

    ger08 Member

    Feb 5, 2005
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    anytime try making ur own thread about this
  18. suerthug

    suerthug Member

    Jun 21, 2005
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    I have Avalaunch v0.49.2, my static IP is, I've tried changing it in the xbox media center and in the dashboard, but it doesn't work. I have the DHCP enabled, and where it shows the IP address in the bottom left corner it says " ErrX". First question, is there another place to change the IP address ? Secondly, if there isn't how am I screwing this up ?

    I have the xbox connected to my computer via a netgear ethernet hub and I've tried a crossover cable as well as a regular cat5 cable
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2005
  19. havokrave

    havokrave Member

    Jun 21, 2005
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  20. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    O.k. ladies and gentlemen...Maybe I can shed a little light on the confusion that might exist here. Some of you have mentioned this before in threads but I'll do it again.

    First: To FTP your XBOX to any program (i.e. Flash FXP, Craxtion, Qwix, XB Connect, etc.) the process is the same. You need the IP of your xbox and of course the defaulty user name and password.
    For example: IP:
    User Name: xbox
    Password: xbox

    What is the difference between DHCP & Static IP in the use we need it in this forum? DHCP is an easier way (service) of FTPing to your XBOX or XBOX to PC (same difference). Why is it easier, it does it for you. Assigns an IP, finds your Gateway, Subnet Mask, etc. Static IP on the other hand is a manual way of assigning an IP to your computer, xbox, whatever.

    Think of it like this...You live in a neighborhood where your house has an address and that address never changes (STATIC IP), the mailman knows exactly where to go when he brings you goodies. On the other hand you live in a neighborhood where your address changes every 48 hours (for example), "POOR MAILMAN" all the address available in the neighborhood are still the same but he's gotta search because none are in the same location as two days ago.

    STATIC IP is great because you never loose your address and you always know where to go. DHCP on the other hand is just easy but you'll will often need to change your connection set prior in Flash FXP cause it's changed.

    MAKE SENSE????

    Now, CAT5 & CAT5 Crossover...
    If your have a router and you are trying to FTP into, hmmmm, let's say an xbox...a regular CAT5 or CAT5 Crossover cable would do the trick.
    If you don't have a router and you're having problems, that probably means your connection directly into your computer and xbox and not using a CROSSOVER cable. All direct connections need a crossover cable.

    What's the difference between the two?? The colors are swapped around (simple). Crossover cables are not expensive by any means. If you spend more than $10 for a decent length one...PRESS CHARGES BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN HAD!!!

    "SUPERTHUG": The error you are getting has to be one of two things...
    1 - You're not using a crossover cable.
    2 - The connection on your PC/Laptop you are plugging into does not have an address assigned to it. PM me if you don't know how to establish that or any of you for tat matter.

    "BADONG69": Maybe it's me but at first glance, your IPs aren't in the same series. Here is what I mean. I have a Linksys Wireless Router. My router's IP is My router will give out 149 or 50 IPs via DHCP. THRU (I think). Here is the catch though, everything on my home network has a static IP outside of that range. For example, My PC's is, Another computer I have is, and my xbox is the picture. So maybe your sequence is set up wrong or should be redone. Not really sure

    "NytWolf" and others...Boost mode is something that can be enabled/disabled within your xbox. I believe with the network options of Avalaunch, then FTP Settings, you should be able to find this. I just know of it because when I modded my first box, I thought boost mode would "YEP" boost the transfer speed. Right after I applied it, I couldn't with any FTP Client. Once disabled, it worked again. It's worth a shot right??!!

    Lastly, I heard of quite a few issues out there with FTPing to xboxes and using EvoX...Maybe those of you fitting that description should switch to Avalaunch and see if you get better results. Althuogh if Craxtion is your preferred program, you may be stuck with hashing out your issues with EvoX because I think it's the only dashboard it responds to??

    Hope this helps a little. I'll still be around if you have issues. Afterdawn has been good to me so I'll do my best to give others the same experience.


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