Help coping a DVD data (9.2 gigs) to DVD+R using Nero version 6 Ultra (Burning ROM)

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by MMadole, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. MMadole

    MMadole Guest

    I'm trying to copy a DVD data (Navigation CD) that have 9.2 giga bytes to a DVD+R using the latest version of Nero (I think). I keep getting a message that I don't have room on the DVD+R (blank). Can someone take me by the hand, and walk me through the process? Thanks
  2. Raptorman

    Raptorman Guest

    I might be mistaken but I'm pretty sure your not gonna be able to fit a 9.2 gb data disc on to a 4.32 gb dvd+r. video on the other hand would be possible but not data, your gonna need to use at least 2 dvd+r's
  3. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    If possible what you will need to do is break up the files so that it will fit on 2 DVD+R or DVD+RW (do this first to work out mistakes and see if still work with out wasting the disks). I would first copy the files to your hard drive in a folder. Then make two folders and play with moving files around untill you have two folders that are less than 4.4GB. If this is an installation disc for a program that you want to backup, try and keep the files that you see out side of the folders on the disk on both discs that you make. That (rarely) allows the discs to work after each other, but most likely you will have to install of your hard drive by coping all files in the correct places. Make a Text file to tell you how and where all the files are on the original disk, then you can create that on you hard drive if you need to install later.

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