Hey guys! I wondering if you could helping me with my problem. When i try to burn something it says "disc not empty" I use cd-r, and its that i need to burn it. its a new opened cd so i dont understand why it says it not empty or cd is invalid, i hawe tryed other kinds of cd-r but with no succes. I think maybe its becouse of old cd's. The cd-r i hawe is kinda old. I use nero 6 ultra edition. I hawe tryed with dvd decrypter too but it shows the same messages. The file i try to burn is an ISO file. Sorry if i hawe wrote something wrong becouse im from Norway and not as good at english, thank you! Here is an screenshoot of my problem:
No i dont think its up to date, becaouse i tryed with dvd decrypter to and it shows the same message. I use nero 6 ultra edition.
So what is the firmware that you have? DVD Decrypter will tell you in ISO Write Mode. Also Nero will under Burner info..
wath do you mean? I hawe tryed to burn it on another computer but it show the same message, i used the same cd to. Its the cd to old?
Update the firmware. Version 1.19 is available: http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1620
Here you can find complete instructions. Use the executable RFalsh utility. http://www.ricoh.com/drive/asia/support/download/mp5240a/
Did you follow the instructions on Richo's site? I looked around, I didn't come across of a way to recover a misflashed Ricoh drive. With differnt brands, there is a posibility to attempt to flash them again in Dos. The drive is fairly old, I wonder if not being able to burn the CDs in the first place was a sign that it might be time for change... I don't know about Norway, but here in US one can get a good drive for around $30.