I've been all over the forums, can't find something to fix my problem. I have Windows XP. My mp3 player (Sansa Clip+) is playing certain albums out of track order. I did some research and found the problem is with the ID3 tags, which cause my player to read track # 3 as track # 312 and # 5 as 512, etc. But it doesn't list all songs that way. The only reason I can find is through right-clicking the mp3 file and clicking MediaInfo, which lists the track number (3) and then the total # of tracks (12) for some songs, but does not have the total number of tracks for other songs, just the track #. For example, track # 2 plays as track # 2 on the mp3 player and MediaInfo says it is track # 2, but track # 3 plays as track # 312 on the mp3 player and MediaInfo says it is track # 3 with 12 total tracks. So, how do I fix the MediaInfo??? Advanced Tag Editor in Windows Media Player won't do it. This is an album I purchased and DLed from Amazon; I hate that someone there didn't code my crap right. Grr.
mp3tag is a popular tag editor. I would suggest using a quality audio manager like Media Monkey than WMP which is very minimal. That will also allow you to create and sync playlists which are really the only way I know to completely force an order. MM also has a good tag editor.