okay basically I thought I could softmod my xbox with very little truoble. I used softmod installer deluxe or something along those lines with the mechassault save hack. I started experiencing problems with my dashboard so I decided to go ahead and try to uninstall and reinstall. By doing so I ended up losing all that was on my c: and e: drives and now i get this error mesage. I tried using an unmodded HDD from one of my friends, and now I get error 6. Any ideas? Any and all support is greatly appreciated.
it appears some pondlife was impersonating janrocks. dealt with (drained all the water out of the pool). nice one guys for letting me know (you know who you are)
ok so you tried sid 4 right> the one with xbox live etc etc? first of all the reason why u get error code number 06 is because you CANNOT use another xbox hd on youre xbox... it has a diffrent unique code aka eeprom now if you were to put back your hd you get 16 right? sounds like yore going to have to hotswap it ..... but if you can load up the linux via the game you first modded it then you might be save from a huge diastaer... try powerin on xbox open tray put game and power it off then back on WITH GAME INSIDE and see if you can load up linux
it won't work.... i read something somewhere about the clock.... i guess since i unplugged the xbox for over 5 hours the game won't boot, and instead it'll try to go to the xbox dash for me to set the clock. i guess im going to have to hot swap, can anyone explain this to me?
srry the hotswap on this website is too complicated and i dont know if it works.... their is another websites called xbox-hq and on its tut section its the best one : hotswap w/out an eeprom